Archive | November, 2010

Tips from NAILA on how to stay fit to look good in your swimming suit: The T5T.

27 Nov

Turkey day is behind us…a lot of food….a lot of calories. Staying fit and slim during the holidays is definitely hard. Here are some great easy tips to stay slim and fit until the come back of the summer days. All are from an ancestral tibetan practice reported to be 2,500 years old. It only takes 10 min!

1. Twirling
Spin round (clockwise) with your arms outstretched. Start with 2 or 3 twirls a day, gradually increasing until you reach 21 twirls per daily session.

2. Rite Number 2
Lie flat on the floor. Lift your legs as far into the air as you can whilst breathing in. Keep your legs straight. Lift your head up at the same time. Then slowly breath out and let your legs and head go back to the floor. Do this the same number of times as the first exercise.

3. Rite Number 3
Knee on the floor with the body erect. Bend your head and neck forward and then backwards, arching your back on the backward part of the exercise.

4. Rite Number 4
Sit down on the floor with leg straight out in front of you.  Luck the chin forward, drop the head backward and finally raise your body so that your knees bend while armes remain straight.

5. Rite Number 5
Lie down and spin arched so that body is in a sagging position. Throw the head back and bend the hips to bring the body into an inverted V.

Source: The Five Tibetan Rites Fountain Of Youth book by Peter Kelder.

NAILA Swimwear as Unik Concierge Director’s favorite swimwear line in Middle East Esquire Magazine

27 Nov

Thank you to France-Amérique for their amazing article on NAILA collection

17 Nov

NAILA’ vanilla low cut monokini with embellishments featured in Shape Magazine Dubai edition

15 Nov

NAILA’s cocodrillo monokini featured in Italian Magazine Linea Intima

12 Nov

NAILA as the new upcoming swimwear line by French Intima Magazine

11 Nov

Some of our best shoots with photographer Yannick Faure

11 Nov

Here is a sneak peek of our 2011 women collection shoot by Yannick Faure

All images are copyright are the property of NAILA INC –

Making of NAILA women swimwear photoshoot, 2011

6 Nov

Last summer before our official launch in Miami, our team put together an amazing photoshoot with talented photographer Yannick Faure and Make up artist Fiona Gross in the South of France. Yannick amazingly braved the weather, waves and wind to shoot some incredible images with the swimwear pieces just fresh out of the factory.


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